Career Transition Firm
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After losing my position in the automotive field, I was not too confident of my chances of finding another design position in the field.

However, working with ENRG made my job search easier and more promising. It was slow at first, but then the interviews starting coming regularly. What I enjoyed most about working with my career coach was that his guidance prepared me for the interviews. I felt very confident going in, and in a couple cases, I felt as if I controlled the interview. I knew what questions to expect and how to answer them, as well as questions of my own to ask. I am happy to say that I have been in a new design position now for over a month, and things are going great!

I want to thank my career coach and the folks at ENRG for their assistance.


Greg B.

Dear ENRG: I wanted to write to you to share my news. It’s amazing, in this economy, I just landed a job with a growing company. I know I could never have done this without your guidance and encouragement. Thank you so much. When I first contacted you after I was laid off I was very discouraged. All my family, friends and the nightly news were filled with “doom and gloom”. You however were not. For that reason alone it was a pleasure to work with you. I was so down in the dumps I even had to ask a friend that I had worked with for years to just sit down with me and help me fill out the resume worksheet. She helped me see that I did have value as an employee. Once your professional resume writer returned the resume for my review I felt like “yeah, I am a good worker with excellent work ethics and will be valuable to a new employer”. This resume will help me get a job. It was formatted so different than I would have done. Than when we met for our first coaching session I left feeling like I could get out there and find a job which would value my experience. I networked to former people who I had worked with and was put in contact with someone who was looking for someone like me. When you provided me with the CD’s to review prior to my interview I was anxious to get home and begin to prepare for the interview. The contents of the CD were very helpful. I know that I would never have been so calm at the interview and well prepared. I felt that when I left I had the job for sure. I even asked for the job which seemed to surprise the interviewers. They did call me the next day and offered me the job. The best part was, thanks to your coaching on salary negotiation, I started at the salary I wanted and will make more than I ever have. “Thanks” just doesn’t seem to convey my feelings well enough. I feel like we connected at our first meeting and I was looking forward to continuing coaching sessions with you. Your organization provides a quality service, which I was lucky enough to have had my previous employer pay for. I don’t know what they paid, but your service was priceless to me. I hope that your employer rewards you for your work. I certainly would like you to get a big bonus!




Dear ENRG:

The company I worked for was the only job I have ever held. I thought that might hold me back in my search for employment. You showed me how much I have to give and you provided me with the confidence to get ‘unstuck’ and ‘get out there’. I landed my dream job and I am so happy. I don’t know that I would have gotten this far without your help. Thank you.